MIS MUN Халықаралық Конференциясы (Біріккен Ұлттар Ұйымының моделі)

Disarmament & International Security Committee (English language)

Greetings dear delegates, teachers and members of the Miras faculty. As the Disarmament and International Security council, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the Miras Model United Nations conference. This annual event is a great and unique opportunity for delegates, chairs and co-chairs to develop necessary debating and reasoning skills, as well as the ability to work in a team in order to solve common problems, or reach greater goals. With deepest gratitude to all of the delegates who came here from other schools to discuss and combat real world issues. May all delegates have the best of luck in today’s debates. We wish you all success and guarantee you will have a fantastic experience.


Chair: Rajan Singh Thakur 10D


Co-Chair: Roman Tsoy 11 IB


Co-Chair: Yegor Kondratenko 10 D


Қазақстан, Алматы қ., әл Фараби даңғылы,190 | Тел.: +7 (727) 227 69 42, +7 (727) 242 16 65 | E-mail: secretary@miras.kz
