MIS MUN Халықаралық Конференциясы (Біріккен Ұлттар Ұйымының моделі)

Security Council (English language)

Dear delegates, participants, and honored guests,

Greetings from Miras International School's Model United Nations Conference! I am Daniyar Turganbayev, your Security Council Chair. Our topics demand focus, analytical thinking, and compassion. In this simulated setting, our resolutions mirror dedication to real-world security. Share unique perspectives, enrich debates with insights, and collaborate actively. This conference cultivates diplomacy, negotiation, and public speaking skills, fostering friendships and indelible memories. Good luck; may this MUN Conference enhance knowledge and renew commitment to global security. Let's make it a memorable milestone toward a safer world.


Chair: Daniil Romanenko 11 IB


Co-Chair: Elkhan Aday 12IB


Қазақстан, Алматы қ., әл Фараби даңғылы,190 | Тел.: +7 (727) 227 69 42, +7 (727) 242 16 65 | E-mail: secretary@miras.kz
