MIS MUN International Conference (Model United Nations international)

The final day of the MIS MUN 2024 conference

Our impressions of MUN 2024

To start with, we would like to share our experience we gained during the MUN conference. On the first day, we were interviewing influential people. After, we were at the committees and watching the delegates debating and discussing their main topic. As press, we should take notes about everything that happened and later, we went to the library and our task was to write an article about the first day of MUN conference. And on the following day, our first task was to write an article on MUN feedback. After that, coordinators divided us into different committees to observe their works. 

All of us were excited of all our hard work, improving communication and thinking skills, learning how to write articles, exploring the skills of taking interviews.

The end of the day was soon to come Closing ceremony and we can finally close the MIS MUN 2024 waiting for the next MUN conference next year!

Correspondents Tali Abdrakhmanova and Kamila Son, 6D